Keyword Rank Checker      

About Keyword Rank

 SERP Rank notifies the user what is the position of a website in SERP against particular a keyword. Mostly a website rank shows between 1-100 in SERP. SERP rank of a website depends on a particular search term. In webtool we are using google search engine for checking keyword's rank. User can easily understand which keywords should focus immediate basis after the checking keyword's rank for website traffic.

From an SEO point of view, the user needs to check keyword's rank monthly basis to know about the flow of progress for a website. User needs to check keyword's rank manually which is highly time taken, not only that google most of the time block the IP or showing re-captcha. This is a very time taken process. Webtool is the first tool where keyword rank checking facilities are available. Easily a user can check up to 500 keywords at a time. No manual input require one by one. It will save the user time & the user can easily find out the exact keyword's SERP rank from google with just one click.


        How to use Keyword Rank Checker in webtool?      


Step 1:

 webtool account

Step 2:

Add website


Step 3:

Add keywords

Fix Keyword's Rank

If the keyword's rank comes out of 100 then do more and more backlinks and also look at on-page SEO. If the score comes between 1-100 then do backlinks as well as follow the google algorithm updates. Optimize the content as per google algorithm updates. That will help you to increase the keyword's rank. Most of the keyword's rank depends on proper keywords & content. Try to fix proper content & keywords with the on-page SEO work then automatically rank will be an increase in SERP.

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